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Misyon & Vizyon
Misyonumuz, yeşil hidrojen üretimi ve son kullanıma uygun cihazlar üretmek.
Vizyonumuz, Venüs atmosferinde, kendi kendine devamlılığını sağlayabilen hidrojenle çalışan bulut şehirler inşa etmek.

Biz Kimiz?
As Hydrolyx Energy, we have started our path with working on production of green hydrogen from waste water.
Because of the market needs we have decided to work on
efficient hydrogen production method,
Solide Oxide Electrolyzer systems that has a potential of 90% efficiency and the capacity to use waste of factories.
Now we have started to work on Unmanned Hydrogen Vehicle that has a potential of both fly & drive, with hydrogen fuel cells.
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